Apex Legends News: Flashpoint is back, new cosmetics, and new features
Hey Legends!
An old favorite LTM is returning for the Unshackled Event that starts April 19th and ends May 3rd. The LTM Flashpoint was a very fun game mode; healing items are removed from the loot pool and replaced by “Flashpoint Zones”. These zones are large areas that heal all Legends inside them. You’ll have to fight your way through in order to heal.
New Cosmetics!
Unshackled Event Prizes
April 19th to April 26th
Key prizes include: Unique Badge, Epic Charm, Epic Re-45 skin, and Epic Seer Skin.
April 26th to May 3rd
Key prizes include: Unique Badge, Rare Apex Pack, Epic Boxing Nessie Holospray, and Unshackled Pack.
Here’s how to unlock the unshackled event skins and items:

Unique Unshackled Packs
Unlock 40 event-themed cosmetics including Legendary skins like “Machine Language” Crypto, “Bad Bot” Pathfinder, “Quantum Collision” Wraith, “Slingshot” Valkyrie, “Prison Pacifier” CAR, “Terminated” Hemlok, “Digging the Grave” Peacekeeper, and “Pyromania” Rampage! Or purchase Unshackled Packs* to unlock cosmetics, weapon charms, trackers, and more. Check out the schedule below for when items will be available.
-Unshackled Event Packs are available for a limited time during the Unshackled Event, but the items will be available in the standard Apex Pack pool of items after the event ends.
-Unshackled Event Packs guarantee you one non-duplicate Unshackled Event item.
-The new event will introduce 40 new cosmetic items around the Unshackled theme.
-Unshackled items can be crafted with crafting metals. After two seasons, crafting metal costs of Unshackled Items may be reduced.
-To preview/view what the new items are, players can go to the thematic event tab in-game
-For more information about event packs please visit our FAQ page https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/about/frequently-asked-questions

Looks like we have some amazing things to look forward to next week. See you in the Flashpoint and on that grind Legends!